How to find a great mobile app developer.

Apply these three points to prevent unexpected costs and mistakes.

Sol Hardy
5 min readJul 21, 2020
Do you have a great idea for a mobile app? Not sure where to start?

There is no way to prove the best app developers by looking online. Don’t be fooled by comparison sites, companies have to pay to get on the top spots. The only way to work out the best development agencies is deciding who is right for your project.

How to find the right app developer for your project?

Below we will highlight the 3 most important tips to finding a mobile app developer. Making sure you find the right company who will turn your great idea into an even better mobile app.

Apply these three points, and you’ll build a mobile app that will grow your business, save you time and prevent you from losing to the competition. However, choose the wrong app developer and you will lose a lot of time and even more money.

How do you pick the right company who will be perfect for your project?

1. Find an app developer interested in your business, not just coding.

Of course, it is vital to find a developer who can code, but if that is the developers only focus, then it is you who will suffer in the future.

You want a developer who is also interested in your long term goals. This is important, as it will affect the way the app is coded from the start, making sure important decisions aren’t forgotten.

For example

Say you are looking to produce an app that will grow your brand awareness. Not only will you need to look great, but more importantly, your app will need to work seamlessly with your current systems, including your database, CRM, email provider, analytics, sales teams etc.

A good developer who cares about your long term goals will be focussed on making all this integration seamless for you, as well as building a great mobile app.

Good things to look out for when meeting a mobile app developer:

Are they interested in your long term goals?

Do they care if get a return on investment?

Do they input their views when discussing your app project?

(You know your product, they know apps: a good business relationship allows you to both bring your skillsets to make the best mobile app)

Take Action

Look for a mobile app developer who is interested in your long term goals. This will guarantee the finished app will suit your business processes and goals, saving you time and money in the long term.

2. Does the app developer have the right expertise for your project?

Experience alone doesn’t mean the company is right for you, but, if they can prove similar examples, it reduces the risk you need to take.

It is easy to assume every app agency can do the same style of work. However, depending on your idea, you may need to hire a different developer.

For Example

We had a customer where their main idea was a complicated video wall. The agency they originally hired said they could do it without providing any proof. 4 months before the product deadline, our customer still didn’t have a working video wall. We took over the project, rebuilt the app with a working video wall, making sure the customer met their deadline and could grow their business.

Good things to look out for when meeting a mobile app developer:

Does the app developer have previous experience similar to your idea?

If not, can they provide a proof of concept?

(With the video wall example above, we had never built something like this before. So before we started the project, we created a free demo of the app to de-risk the situation for the customer. Helping them to achieve their goals and stop wasting any more money.)

Can you download some of their previous apps to get a feel of their expertise?

Take action

Look through app developers websites, ask about previous projects. Make sure you have found a developer with the right experience so you don’t waste time and money in the long run. If they don’t have the experience, don’t be put off, but make sure they can build the technology you require before they start building your project.

3. Don’t focus on price alone.

We understand you have a budget and want to get the most for your investment. However, if you are only focussed on price and not finding the right developer, it is you who will suffer. Often the lowest cost options turn out to be more expensive in the long run.

For example

One of our customers outsourced their app development to a company in a different country. They found the development cost was a lot cheaper than in the UK. However, once their app had launched, naturally, there were some small teething issues with the app. The outsourcing company charged incredibly expensive day rates to fix these simple problems. Our customer eventually moved over to us, as we offer a small monthly charge to fix/maintain our customer’s apps, allowing their app to grow and develop with modern technology.

Good things to look out for when meeting a mobile app developer:

Are you aware of the app developers day/hourly rate?

Are they willing to provide you with a detailed specification document with specific pricing, before you start the project?

(This gives you the peace of mind to know how long the project should take and how much it should cost.)

Have they got a service package to help maintain/fix any bugs once your app is live?

(It is unusual for new software to work perfectly the first time. Mobile phones are always changing and to keep up to date you may need to modify your app.)

Have you been aware of the maintenance cost? (Cloud storage etc)

Take action

Don’t be fooled by cheap upfront costs. You may save a small amount upfront, but if they rush your project to keep costs down, it will be you who will lose out in the long run.

Other suggestions that will help you when choosing an app developer.

Do not approach only one developer. (Try and speak to a few different agencies, this reduces your risk.)

Is your chosen developer happy for you to speak to some of their previous clients?

Is your chosen company financially stable? (Realistically, once you choose one company, you are going to want to stay with them for a long time.)

Is the developer going to do the graphics, UI and design in house? (If so, can you see some of their designs upfront? As the design and feel of the app makes a big difference?)

What next?

A good development company should be able to not only guide you through the process of development but also give you creative input based on their experience.
At Blue Sparrow Apps, we have helped lots of different businesses grow and stay relevant by building mobile apps. We have created a PDF with the five most important suggestions we advise in the early stages of development. so you can prevent unexpected costs and mistakes. Once you have learned these five points, the other components to developing a mobile app are much easier.

Download our free PDF to prevent unexpected costs.



Sol Hardy

The 🌏 is moving so fast, it's hard for innovative people like yourself to stay ahead of the game. Steal my app ideas, save time and earn some serious 💰.