Steal my app idea – If you want David Attenborough to be your grandad.

Sol Hardy
3 min readJan 19, 2021

We’re inhabitants to a ticking time bomb.

Arty picture to make me look edgy ;)

Every time we choose convenience over sustainability, we’re snatching future generations chance on this planet.

And you know what’s bad?

I know the stuff yet I keep finding myself shopping on Amazon instead of local, driving a petrol guzzler than walking and buying coffee in a disposable cup. Feel familiar?

Our laziness to choose alternatives for our planet is robbing peoples future.

What’s this got to do with David Attenborough taking you in?

It’s sparked a mobile app idea that if you decide to build, could get the likes of David and Greta on your side.

And as this app could help the whole of man/womankind, I’m sure this new venture will give you a lot more job satisfaction and purpose than your current role.

What’s the problem?

We suck at making quick, wise decisions.

And it’s these bad decisions regularly that is killing our planet.

We know we need to do more, yet convenience creeps into our busy lives, resulting in us purchasing the less sustainable, more damaging option.

What’s this app idea and how will it save our planet?

A mobile app that makes sustainable options more convenient, with some light competition tied in to encourage people.

How will it work?

The app will track your bank account (via an API – Don’t worry it’s safe) monitoring your daily spends and either rewarding you or reminding you what you could do better.

Just bought a t-shirt online? The app will notify you with a local alternative for the future. (Helping you to make better choices for our planet)

Just bought a coffee from a local shop? the app gives you points up the leaderboard you go.

Why make sustainable living a competition?

If we keep our lifestyle hidden, we have no accountability for our actions.

By making our purchases a competition, it will encourage change rather than the current climate change pitch, which guilt trips people making them feel bad.

Plus, adding gamification increases action. If you're rewarded for your actions, the chances are, you will do it again!

Is it safe?

For security, I think the app should disguise all purchases, so all your friends would see is you smashing the sustainable world, making future generations life better. Not your spending habits.

How would you build this?

You would need 3 things to build this app.

  1. Someone who could build the app for you.
  2. Cash, to fund the project.
  3. A marketing strategy that builds your business.

But don’t worry, I can help you with all that stuff. Click here, well, only if you’re serious about improving the planet.

And one day when you and Attenborough are sat at the beach eating plastic-free fish and chips, you’ll thank me that today, or all days, you read this blog.

If you like it, it’s yours!




Sol Hardy

The 🌏 is moving so fast, it's hard for innovative people like yourself to stay ahead of the game. Steal my app ideas, save time and earn some serious 💰.